Friday 10 September 2004

This past Sunday was a great service - it was family church day, which means that instead of going straight to Sunday School at the start of church, the kids spend the day in the church and they're very involved in the service. In this picture they were all up front singing an 'action' song for us adults to learn. Later on in the service, Reece and Jonathan were doing the collection as well... they were so excited to be able to do things in the service! It was beautiful to see them worshipping as well... especially Reece. He has a real worshippers heart! I could see him waving his flag, with his eyes closed, singing at the top of his voice. It was so beautiful!

Friday 3 September 2004

Stuart working out in his shed....this picture is taken through our kitchen window Posted by Hello
and from the other side of the room.... Posted by Hello
Stuart has done an incredible job on the lounge. When I got home from work yesterday... the painting was all done and the dado rail was up. He had also put together one of the shelves! We put in the new WHITE carpet last night and rearranged the chairs and then Stuart and Reece put together the corner shelf.  Posted by Hello

Thursday 2 September 2004

Change is in the wind...

Stuart and I have also been reading the book - A Purpose Driven Life... it's fantastic. It's our evening read together.... (When I don't fall asleep and land up having to read the same chapter the next day....). Some exciting news ... Reece and Jonathan got baptised recently. Reece - on our weekend away camping in Wales... Stuart baptised him in the sea. We had met up there with other friends as well and they were with us for the occasion. It was fantastic. Reece came out of the sea saying that he felt so happy inside! And then Jonathan got baptised a couple of weeks ago - also by Stuart - when we had a church picnic at the River Arley. It was also a beautiful day. We went to a South African bring 'n braai on Saturday just past. It was such great fun... and it didn’t even rain (we've had unbelievable amounts of rain this summer....I've never known anything like it. I wake up in the morning and see the sun shining and try doing a load of washing, but even before the load is finished, it's chucking down with rain...ha-ha). Anyway... we have new neighbours next door. They are a Pilipino couple with a little boy who is 20 days younger than Jonathan. His name is Jeremy. Mary, is pregnant and due in September (or is it October... yes, I think so). Lovely... I hope she has a little girl. What fun that should be! They are a lovely couple and the boys are getting on very well... Reece and Jonathan are so excited about having a permanent friend next door... their age! That's great for them. Yesterday we drove past a house which we’d never seen before – it seemed derelict and of course, this excited Stuart who is always on the lookout for potential properties to buy! But a little voice – Jonathan - piped up from the back of the car saying: “But if we move here, we won’t be able to play with Jeremy every day anymore!” Very sweet! On a more homely note - my boss was throwing out an old carpet on Tuesday (old for them and new for us.. still in great condition, but they've redone all the radiators in their home and now the carpets needed replacing as the original carpets didn’t fit in with the new radiator positions...). I took the carpet home after work on Tuesday. Stuart and I spent the evening moving out all the furniture and pulling up the old carpet. The new one fits in the lounge beautifully. BUT it led to a whole new decorating spree (you know me and my love for redecorating... any excuse hey!). SO... yesterday morning was spent at Homebase choosing colours to repaint the lounge and a few new pieces of furniture... i.e. shelving! We painted when we got home and I think today, we are ready to put in the carpet and reorganise all the furnishings! It's looking beautiful at the moment. A really classy lounge. (Well we think so anyway). Stuart is going to buy some underfelt today and he'll probably have the carpet in by the time I get home (yippee). It's almost as good as a move! My friend's husband is turning 50 soon, and she took me up on a joke that we should make a CD for him! She plays the violin and he loves classical music. Well, yesterday we got together to work on some songs for this potential CD. I am SO bad at playing classical music after all these years of only playing worship music! Oh dear - I will have to buff up my music reading skills because she is dead serious about this album that we're going to record for him as a surprise! Well I guess that is it for now……

Wednesday 1 September 2004

Our family photograph, taken at the wedding of friends on 14 August 2004. Posted by Hello