Tuesday 31 August 2004

Our house - 4 Lime Grove - okay, so it's only half painted at the moment. Stuart will finish it - soon - I'm sure!  Posted by Hello
Reece and Jonathan found the cutest little bunny rabbit in the street on Monday. They decided to 'adopt' it and Jonathan named it "Africa" Posted by Hello

Monday 30 August 2004

It's a holiday today....

Today is a already a wonderful day. It is Monday, a bank holiday and a school holiday for us. Jonathan, my youngest darling son, was so excited when daddy announced that today we would be enjoying a break from the usual... home schooling, work, etc! Just enjoy a wonderfully lazy day together as a family. It started off with me waking up nice and early and coming downstairs, making a lovely morning cup of tea (after breaking the first cup I tried using!!??) and sitting down with Stuart when he woke up, to read "A Purpose Driven Life" together in the lounge. Jonathan woke up and decided to join us on the already cramped couch, squeezing his way in between us as only Jonathan can. I decided to leave the couch and tidy up the kitchen a bit. Jonathan.... as he does... followed me through to the kitchen saying "Mom, I reeeeaally feel like playing with playdough today. Do you think we could make some please?" Who can resist! So out came all the ingredients.... we weighed the flour and the salt, measured the water and oil and mixed it all together. In the meantime... Reece is having a lovely long lie in! He has hopped into our bed and snuggled up under the covers and fallen asleep again, only to be woken by Jonathan calling him to join in with the fun of playing with the playdough! They have made some really cute little things out of playdough! Stuart fell asleep again on the couch and has just woken up to join the family for the day! Anyway - this is only our first posting on the site and hopefully it will turn into a wonderful way of keeping our family and friends updated with our life in the UK. More of the same .... later!